[Criminal Trial Procedure (형사소송절차)]
♠ Defendant (피고인): A person accused in a criminal proceeding
♠ Victim (피해자): A person harmed by a crime, tort, or other wrong
♠ Warrant of detention (구속영장): A prosecutor (검사)'s order authorizing the detention of an arrested person
♠ Bail (보석): To obtain the release of (oneself or another) by providing security for a future appearance in court
♠ Indictment (기소): The formal written accusation of a crime, made by a grand jury and presented to a court for prosecution against the accused person
♠ Compensation (보상): Remuneration and other benifits received in return for services rendered especially salary or wages
♠ Appeal (항소): A proceeding undertaken to have a decision reconsidered by a higher authority, especially the submission of a lower court'or agency's decision to a higher court for review and possible reversal.
reference: Black's Law Dictionary