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WIN Cases 无罪经济犯罪 诈骗、职务侵占、职务渎职罪 &nbs..... 이미지

FirmNews 출입국 정책 제안 공모전 출입국 정책 제안 공모전 법무법인 법승 한국이민센터는 세계 각국의 인재들의 체류지위 획득을 지원..... 이미지

ISSUE Housing support for single-parent multicultural families by Daejeon Police Agency.[Chinese / English 大田警察厅在27日表示,他们为一位遭受追踪骚扰的单亲多元文化家庭提供了住所支援。受支援的对象是一位离婚的外国出身女性(韩国国籍)..... 이미지

MULTIMEDIA 5 Questions about visa answered by Atty. Jacob Lee Hi. Jacob Lee, the managing partner of Law-Win and certified expert Criminal lawyer, prepared 5 frequently questioned answers about visa. Watch the full video to learn about som..... 이미지

WIN Cases Civil, Family Law / Divorce and Alimony[Japanese / Mongolian ] 民事、家事 |..... 이미지

FirmNews Major types of criminal and civil cases[Korean / Spanish] 저희 법무법인은 형사사건을 중심으로 각종 민사사건, 행정..... 이미지

ISSUE 关于《出入境管理法》第63条第1款的宪法法院决定的变化 关于《出入境管理法》第63条第1款的宪法法院决定的变化  ..... 이미지

MULTIMEDIA #2 Juvenile Delinquencies: Cases and Trials In this video, Attorney Jacob Lee will about Juvenile Delinquency Cases whether the cases will be handle by Juvenile Court or Criminal Court and its difference...... 이미지

WIN Cases General Criminal Offense / Violation of the Anti-Stalking Law[Japanese / Mongolian] 刑事一般 | ストーキング処罰法違反 - ソ..... 이미지

FirmNews 法务法人法胜,将与税务法人 税收路缔结紧密业务协议MOU  ..... 이미지

ISSUE 关于‘外国人季节工作计划’的内容 ▶ "외국인 계절근로자 프로그램(外国人季节工作计划)"是什么制度呢? 该制度允许在农..... 이미지

MULTIMEDIA #1 Juvenile Delinquencies: Age group and characteristics of different age group According to Korean law, the age group of the juveniles is divided as below: - To under 10 years old - From above 10 years old to under 14 years old - From above 14 years old to under 19 year..... 이미지


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