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 Article 840 of Civil Act of Korea (causes for judicial Divorce 재판상 이혼원인)
Either husband or wife may apply to the family Court for divorce in each case of the following subparagraphs:
1. If the other spouse has committed
an act of unchastity (부정한 행위);
2. If one spouse has been maliciously (악의로)
deserted (유기한 떄) by the other spouse;
3. If one spouse has been extreamely maltreated (심히 부당한 대우)
by the other spouse or his or her lineal ascendants (직계존속);
4. If one spouse's lineal ascendant has been extreamely maltreated
by the other spouse;
5. If the death or life (생사) of the other spouse has been unknown (분명하지 아니한 때)
for more than three years (3년 이상);
6. If there exists any other serious cause (중대한 사유) 
for making it difficult to continue the marriage (혼인을 계속하기 어려운)