Law-Win supports US military and civilian members of United States Forces Korea (USFK) to represent the case happened in Korea. With the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), Republic of Korea and United States serve the mutual interests and protect the basic rights of US citizens who are subject to its provisions. However, the support provided by USFK may be limited so, the service member has to look for legal assistance outside of the base.
Why do you need help from off base?
1. To Exercise the Right to Counsel
Once you are involved in a criminal case, it will begin with police interrogation and you are obligated to attend. Since the Korean Government need not provide an attorney for you during questioning, it is essential to hire a representative (who can speak English) to protect your rights. Having a Korean criminal defense attorney as your representative is necessary since he/she knows the Korean legal system and able to guide you thoroughly to handle the case.
2. To Protect Your Career
As a foreigner residing in Korea, it is always hard to extend or change visa if he/she has any criminal records. In your case, your career could be affected by the outcome of your criminal case. So you must look for a legal expert and assistants who have many experience and have knowledge about SOFA and regulation of USFK so that, they can provide proper direction to even protect your career.
3. To Fully Understand the Case
Residing in the foreign country while having a criminal case could be a tough situation. The top reason is the language barrier. Without the help of interpreter or translator, it could be very frustrating to even think of how to deal with the case.
Law-Win has all those reasons why you need to choose as your representative. With the English Legal interpreter to take care of all the communication and schedule, the legal service coordinator who will be guiding all your evidence and data to support the case, and the English speaking attorney specialized in Immigration Control Act and Criminal Law will handle your case in detail to fully support your side.