[The civil litigation procedure (민사소송절차)]
♠ Plaintiff (원고): A person who complaints by submitting a petition to the court.
♠ Court (법원): Once the petition arrives, an officer from the court reviews the complaint and serves the copy (부본) of the complaint to the defendant, requesting for an action.
♠ Defendant (피고): Once he received the copy of the complaint, he needs to submit a response (답변서) within 30 days.
◈ Pre-trial: Both plaintiff and defendant must present (출석) at the court.
The presiding judge (재판장) reviews all the written statements that were submitted to the court.
◈ Trial (hearing): Each party gives an oral argument (구두변론).
If necessary, plaintiff or defendant can request for a witness (증인) or submit an evidence (증거).
◈ Decision of a settlement (조정) recommendation:
The presiding judge gives a chance for both parties to make an agreement.
**the plaintiff or defendant may file an objection within 14 days (이의제기)
◈ Court desicion (법원 판결)
**the plaintiff or defendant may file an appeal within 14 days (항소)